Occurrence of stablished NIS
The dataset represents the introduction of non-indigenous species in European seas. Non-indigenous species are species that have been spread as a result of human activities to... -
Urban land use
Urban Atlas 2018 provides reliable, inter-comparable, high-resolution land use and land cover data with integrated population estimates for 788 Functional Urban Areas (FUA) with... -
Natura 2000 sites (EMODnet)
The dataset on Natura 2000 sites was created in 2014 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network. It is entirely based on spatial data from the European... -
WISE WFD Quality Elements status reported under Water Framework Directive - 2016
The WISE WFD quality elements status contains information about the ecological status or potential of European surface water bodies, delineated for the River Basin Management... -
Nationally designated areas - CDDA - (EMODnet)
The Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) was created in 2014 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network. It is entirely based on GIS Data from the... -
WISE Marine
WISE-Marine is a portal and infrastructure for sharing information with the marine community on the marine environment at European level. Focusing on the state of the marine...