NAS North Adriatic Sea Climatology of deepest values of dissolved oxygen
Water body dissolved oxygen concentration - Seasonal Climatology for Po River for the period 1960-2020 on the domain: Lon E12.0-14.0deg., Lat N44.0-46.0deg. Data Sources:... -
Mediterranean Sea Water body Silicate Seasonal climatology
Moving 6-year analysis of Water body silicate in the Mediterranean Sea for each season: - winter: January-March, - spring: April-June, - summer: July-September, - autumn:... -
Target species - Invertebrates (Italy)
Distribution of invertebrates target species in Italian marine-coastal areas as described in the 4th National Report under Art. 17 of the Habitats Directive. Data are... -
Important Bird Areas - IBA - Italy - 2019 (GN)
Italian IBAs provided by the Italian National Geoportal (GN). The associated table contains the following information: IBA_CODE, IBA area code; IBA_NAME, name of the IBA area;... -
WISE WFD Quality Elements status reported under Water Framework Directive - 2016
The WISE WFD quality elements status contains information about the ecological status or potential of European surface water bodies, delineated for the River Basin Management... -
Parapenaeus longirostris Nursery map (EMODnet)
Data derives from Sergio Ragonese's article, published on July 2017. Aim of this paper is to establish discrete (well delimited and not diffuse) nurseries of the Parapenaeus... -
Merluccius merluccius Nursery map (EMODnet)
Data derives from Sergio Ragonese's article, published on July 2017. Aim of this paper is to establish discrete (well delimited and not diffuse) nurseries of the Merluccius... -
Predicted abundance of spinetail devil rays - 2018-2019 (ACCOBAMS)
The dataset present predicted number of Mobula mobular individuals per 100 km2 reported on centroids of a 0.2 x 0.2 degrees grid. ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative, 2018 Data described... -
Predicted abundance of shark specimens - 2018-2019 (ACCOBAMS)
The dataset present predicted number of animals per 100 km2 reported on centroids of a 0.2 x 0.2 degrees grid. ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative, 2018 Data described in report:... -
Predicted abundance of striped dolphins - 2018-2019 (ACCOBAMS)
The dataset present predicted number of Stenella coeruleoalba individuals per 100 km2 reported on centroids of a 0.2 x 0.2 degrees grid. ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative, 2018 Data... -
Predicted abundance of Risso’s dolphins - 2018-2019 (ACCOBAMS)
The dataset present predicted number of Grampus griseus individuals per 100 km2 reported on centroids of a 0.2 x 0.2 degrees grid. ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative, 2018 Data... -
Predicted abundance of loggerhead turtles - 2018-2019 (ACCOBAMS)
The dataset present predicted number of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) per 100 km2 reported on centroids of a 0.2 x 0.2 degrees grid. ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative, 2018 Data... -
Predicted abundance of bottlenose dolphins - 2018-2019 (ACCOBAMS)
The dataset present predicted number of Tursiops truncatus individuals per 100 km2 reported on centroids of a 0.2 x 0.2 degrees grid. ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative, 2018 Data... -
MSFD Shelf Sublittoral Sediment (Malta)
For Malta this habitat type refers to the occurrence of sediment and associated communities at depths between 50m - 200m. The data refers to the distribution of known... -
MSFD Shallow sublittoral sediment without Posidonia (Malta)
For Malta this habitat type refers to the occurrence of sediments and associated communities at depths between 0m - 50m. -
MSFD Shelf sublittoral Rock Biogenic Reef (Malta)
For Malta this habitat type refers to the occurrence of rocky substrates and associated communities at depths between 50m - 200m. -
MSFD Biogenic Reef Polyline (Malta)
The data includes the distribution and characteristics of macro algal communities associated with the rocky shoreline of the Maltese Islands, as mapped through the 2008 CARLIT... -
MSFD Descriptor 1: Phytoplankton Habitat Condition (Malta)
The information gathered is part of Descriptor 1 of Commission Decision 2017/848/EU: specifically D1C6 (pelagic habitats). Phytoplankton communities constitute an important... -
MSFD Descriptor 1 and 6: Maerl (Malta)
This dataset includes data for % cover of rhodoliths located in the NE of Malta. Such data was collected under the EMFF 8.3.1 Project. The monitoring was undertaken in line with... -
MSFD Descriptor 1 and 6: Posidonia oceanica extent (Malta)
This dataset includes the extent of Posidonia oceanica meadows in Maltese waters. Such data was collected under the EMFF 8.3.1 Project. The monitoring was undertaken in line...