Oil platforms (Spain)
The dataset contains point data describing the location of oil platforms in the Spanish Mediterranean Sea. The data was made available for ReMAP project by CEDEX. -
Fossil fuel energy production HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains the location of fossil fuel energy production facilities downloaded from the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR). E-PRTR covers all... -
Oil platforms HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains point data describing the location of oil platforms in the Baltic Sea as reported by the Contracting Parties for the period 2016-2021. The data was made... -
Areas suitable/unsuitable for hydrocarbon cultivation activities in Italy - P...
Areas suitable/unsuitable for hydrocarbon cultivation activities present in the territorial scope of reference for the SEA and not falling within the areas of Level I layers...