Coastal landscapes subject to a prohibition order (Italy)
Coastal landscapes subject to a prohibition order -
Landscape Heritage (Italy)
Landscape heritage protected according to: 1) Legislative Decree 42/2004, art. 142, paragraph 1, lett.a): strip of 300 m from the shoreline subject to protection by law; 2)... -
RAMSAR areas in Italy
Location of the RAMSAR Areas in Italy. The wetlands of international importance recognised and included in the list of the Ramsar Convention for Italy are 57 to date,... -
Potential new Natura 2000 areas
The layer represents the distribution of potential new Italian marine/coastal Natura 2000 areas. -
Natura 2000 areas in Italy
The layer represents the distribution of Italian marine/coastal Natura 2000 areas. -
Natural protected areas in Italy
Location of natural areas and reserves, differentiated into marine (protected and of international interest) and coastal. -
Proposed Natura 2000 sites (Italy)
The layer represents the distribution of the proposed Italian marine/coastal Natura 2000 areas. -
Pelagos Sanctuary (SID)
The Pelagos sanctuary is a marine area of 87,500 km² that was created by an agreement between Italy, the Principality of Monaco and France for the protection of the marine... -
Ramsar sites - Italy (SID)
Italian coastal Ramsar sites.