EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM) 2022
The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM)- 2022" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches... -
State of bathing waters - 2021- (EMODnet)
The dataset on status of bathing waters in the EU was created in 2015 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is based on the dataset... -
Coastal Zones 2018
The Coastal Zones (CZ) LC/LU product for 2018 is providing a detailed Land Cover / Land Use (LC/ LU) dataset for areas along the coastline of the EEA38 countries and the United... -
Pelagos Sanctuary (SID)
The Pelagos sanctuary is a marine area of 87,500 km² that was created by an agreement between Italy, the Principality of Monaco and France for the protection of the marine... -
WISE WFD Quality Elements status reported under Water Framework Directive - 2016
The WISE WFD quality elements status contains information about the ecological status or potential of European surface water bodies, delineated for the River Basin Management... -
Lidar Corsica 2017-2018
Lidar marine part is a unique and continuous land-sea database which can provide 3D models of the shape and location of French coastal terrain. A line separates sea and land... -
Weather forecasting digital model
Weather forecasting models are used to show atmospheric conditions by computing changes in meteorological parameters on a 3D atmospheric grid model. Physical laws are used to... -
Numerical sea state representation model (France)
Wave forecasting models allow the representation of offshore sea states, at the global or ocean basin scale, based on spectral resolution. This code calculates the evolution of... -
2D hydrodynamic model of water levels and surges (France)
To model water levels (including astronomical tides and meteorological surges), the Shom uses a barotropic (2D) version of the HYCOM code (https://hycom.org/) configured on 2... -
3D hydrodynamic model of evolution of ocean (France)
Shom uses HYCOM 3D (Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model) digital models to model changes to the ocean environment (currents, temperature, salinity, water depth). These HYCOM 3D models... -
Worldwide seabed sediment map
The “World Seabed Sediment Map” product contains geo-referenced digital data, describing the nature of the sediment encountered in different seas and oceans of the world. The... -
Sea bed sediment 1:500 000 (France)
Sea bed sediment maps for the 4 marine sub-regions of France prepared as part of the initial evaluation of the MSFD (Marine Strategy Framework Directive). -
Bathymetric DEM for the coasts of Gulf of Lion and Côte d'Azur (Project Homonim)
A bathymetric DEM for the coasts of Gulf of Lion – Côte d’Azur with a resolution of 0.001° (~ 100 m) was prepared as part of the HOMONIM project. It covers the entire... -
Bathymetric DEM for the coasts of Corsica (Project Homonim)
The bathymetric DEM for the coasts of Corsica with a resolution of 0.001° (~ 100 m) was prepared as part of the HOMONIM project. It covers the entire Corsican margin. The model... -
LITTO3D® Maritime part Languedoc Roussillon 2014-2015
Litto3D Marine Part is an intermediate product of the Litto3D product containing only marine data.Litto3D is a unique and continuous land-sea database which can provide 3D... -
LITTO3D® Languedoc Roussillon 2009
Litto3D is a unique and continuous land-sea database which can provide 3D models of the shape and location of French coastal terrain. A line separates sea and land data... -
The Litto3D product is a unique and continuous land-sea altimetry database providing a three-dimensional representation of the shape and position of the ground on the coastal... -
LITTO3D® marine part PACA 2014
Litto3D Marine Part is an intermediate product of the Litto3D product containing only marine data.Litto3D is a unique and continuous land-sea database which can provide 3D... -
Variation of the seabed in accumulation in Veneto Region
Variation of the seabed in accumulation from Regional Territorial Coordination Plan 1992 -
WISE Marine
WISE-Marine is a portal and infrastructure for sharing information with the marine community on the marine environment at European level. Focusing on the state of the marine...