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On January 10, 2024 at 9:57:21 AM UTC, Gravatar Stefano Menegon:
  • Changed value of field additional_informations to The most important points on aquaculture are as follows: - Multiannual ecosystem-based management to reinforce the role that in the previous reform had been given to multiannual plans, but also taking a more ecosystem-oriented approach, with multi-species and -fisheries plans, in the regional framework of EU geographical areas; - Sustainable aquaculture, increasing yields to supply the EU fish market and boosting growth in coastal and rural areas, through national plans; - New obligations requiring Member States to reinforce the role of science by intensifying the collection of data and sharing of information on stocks, fleets and the impact of fishing activities; - Decentralised governance, by bringing the decision-making procedure closer to fishing grounds: EU legislators draw up the general framework while the Member States develop the implementing measures and cooperate on a regional level in EU Commission Communication - Common Fisheries Policy (COM/2023/103)