Maritime Transport Europe

For Europe, maritime transport has been a catalyst for economic development and prosperity throughout its history. Maritime Transport enables trade and contacts between all European nations. It ensures the security of supply of energy, food and commodities and provides the main vehicle for European imports and exports to the rest of the world. Almost 90% of the EU's external freight trade is seaborne.

List of layers: - Ferry routes - Marine traffic density map 2015 - Motorways of the sea - Ports

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Original title
Original abstract
Topic category
  • maritime_transport_and_traffic_flows
Sub category Maritime routes and areas
Resource language English
Domain area
  • Europe Seas
  • Mediterranean Sea
  • Montenegrin Adriatic Sea
Owner European Atlas of the Seas
Provider European Atlas of the Seas
Data portal European Atlas of the Seas
Presentation form Map (map represented in raster or vector form)
Spatial representation Vector - mixed types
Coordinate reference system epsg:4326 - WGS84 (degree)
Web services
    Derives from
    Derived datasets
    Successor of
    Predecessor of
    Temporal extent
    Spatial extent
    Data accessibility
    Validation level Official data
    Additional information
    Metadata completeness Complete

    Additional info - MSP - Environment

    Species, habitats, ecosystems, pressures

    Field Value
    MSFD Classes
    MSFD Descriptors/Criteria
    Non MSFD Classes

    Additional info - MSP - Oceanographic and CC

    Physics, biochemistry, EOV, ECV

    Field Value

    Additional info - MSP - Conservation

    Protected areas, OECM, IBA, EBSA, CCH, IMMA, ...

    Field Value

    Additional info - MSP - Maritime activities

    Aquaculture, fishing, transport, energy, ...

    Field Value
    Activity types

    Additional info - MSP - Coastal & Land use and planning

    Land use, land cover, planning (strategic, coordination, operational)

    Field Value

    Additional info - MSP - Socio-economic

    Living and non-living resources, shipping, tourism, energy, ...

    Field Value
    Activity types
    Value types

    Additional info - MSP - Ecosystem Services

    Provisioning, regulation & maintenance, cultural

    Field Value
    CICES classes

    Additional info - MSP - Legal, Governance & Planning

    Strategic, legislation, planning, administrative, enforcement

    Field Value
    Who is in charge?

    Additional info - MSP - Relevance

    Relevance of the dataset / resource in supporting the MSP process at different spatial scales and temporal frames

    Field Value
    Relevance (spatial and temporal)