MSFD Adriatic Sea sub-divisions (Italy)
The three polygons corresponding to the sub-divisions of the Adriatic Sea (North, Central and South Adriatic) for the MSFD. -
Potential new Natura 2000 areas
The layer represents the distribution of potential new Italian marine/coastal Natura 2000 areas. -
Benthic habitats (Italy)
Distribution of marine-coastal benthic habitats as described in the 4th National Report under Art. 17 of the Habitats Directive. Data are represented aggregated on a 10x10 km grid -
Natura 2000 areas in Italy
The layer represents the distribution of Italian marine/coastal Natura 2000 areas. -
Natural protected areas in Italy
Location of natural areas and reserves, differentiated into marine (protected and of international interest) and coastal. -
Target species - Mammals (Italy)
Distribution of mammal target species in Italian marine-coastal areas as described in the 4th National Report under Art. 17 of the Habitats Directive. Data are represented... -
Target species - Reptiles (Italy)
Distribution of reptile target species in marine-coastal areas of Italy as described in the 4th National Report under Art. 17 of the Habitats Directive. Data are represented... -
Target species - Invertebrates (Italy)
Distribution of invertebrates target species in Italian marine-coastal areas as described in the 4th National Report under Art. 17 of the Habitats Directive. Data are... -
Proposed Natura 2000 sites (Italy)
The layer represents the distribution of the proposed Italian marine/coastal Natura 2000 areas.