Mediterranean Sea Chlorophyll-a-Seasonal climatology
Moving 6-year analysis of Water_body_chlorophyll-a in the Mediterranean Sea for each season: - winter: January-March, - spring: April-June, - summer: July-September, - autumn:... -
NAS North Adriatic Sea Dissolved oxygen Climatology
Water body dissolved oxygen concentration - Seasonal Climatology for Po River for the period 1960-2020 on the domain: Lon E12.0-14.0deg., Lat N44.0-46.0deg. Data Sources:... -
NAS - North Adriatic Sea Silicate Climatology
Water body silicate - Seasonal Climatology for Po River for the period 1980-2021 on the domain: Lon E12.0-14.0deg., Lat N44.0-46.0deg. Data Sources: observational data from... -
NAS - North Adriatic Sea DIN Climatology
Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) - Seasonal Climatology for Po River for the period 1980-2020 on the domain: Lon E12.0-14.0deg., Lat N44.0-46.0deg. Data Sources: observational... -
Saltwater or fresh/saltwater aquaculture plants (Italy)
Location of saltwater or fresh/saltwater aquaculture facilities, differentiated for molluscs, fish and crustaceans. -
Nationally designated areas (CDDA) - EEA
The dataset contains data on individual nationally Designated Areas and corresponding Protected Site spatial features in EEA member and collaborating countries. This dataset is... -
North-Western Mediterranean Sea PSSA
The layer represents the extent of the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area of the Northern-Western Mediterranean Sea, as designated by the Marine Environment Protection Committee of... -
Algae Production - EMODnet
This dataset stems from the Joint Research Centre (JRC) Biomass Mandate (https://knowledge4policy.ec.europa.eu/projects-activities/jrc-biomass-mandate_en) and it is available... -
NAS - North Adriatic Sea Phosphate Climatology
Water body phosphate - Seasonal Climatology for Po River for the period 1960-2020 on the domain: Lon E12.0-14.0deg., Lat N44.0-46.0deg. Data Sources: observational data from... -
Regional Sea Conventions - Marine Protected Areas - EMODnet
The dataset on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) established under the framework of the Regional Sea Conventions (RSCs) was created in 2023 by Cogea for the European Marine... -
Protection of the Ligurian Sea bottlenose dolphin - D.G.R. n. 414/2023
The new proposal for the delimitation of the pSCI for the protection of the bottlenose dolphin in the Ligurian Sea, approved with Resolution of the Regional Council n. 414 of... -
Key Biodiversity Areas (Mediterranean and Europe)
Key Biodiversity Area digital boundaries. Version (“March 2024 Version”). Derived from the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas. Developed by the KBA Partnership (BirdLife... -
RAMSAR areas in Italy
Location of the RAMSAR Areas in Italy. The wetlands of international importance recognised and included in the list of the Ramsar Convention for Italy are 57 to date,... -
Potential new Natura 2000 areas
The layer represents the distribution of potential new Italian marine/coastal Natura 2000 areas. -
Natural protected areas in Italy
Location of natural areas and reserves, differentiated into marine (protected and of international interest) and coastal. -
Key Demersal fish density data and hotspots, Adriatic Sea
The dataset provided by Panzeri et al. (2023) in the context of spatial fisheries management in the Adriatic Sea comprises: Ensemble Density Map: This dataset visualizes the... -
Predicted abundance of swordfish - 2018-2019 (ACCOBAMS)
The dataset present predicted number of animals per 100 km2 reported on centroids of a 0.2 x 0.2 degrees grid. ACCOBAMS Survey Initiative, 2018 Data described in report:... -
EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM) 2022
The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM)- 2022" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches... -
Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRAs)
The IUCN Species Survival Commission Shark Specialist Group has developed an expert-driven innovative approach to ensure that discrete portions of habitats, critical to shark... -
Ports planning status
A set of ports location derived published my MIT the attribute stato_prp reports the current planning status: plans are in force if adopted after 1994 the attribute porto_psm...