Sanctuary for marine mammals Pelagos (GN)
Law 11 October 2001, n. 391 - Ratification and execution of the Agreement relating to the creation in the Mediterranean of a sanctuary for marine mammals, made in Rome on 25... -
EUSeaMap 2021 Broad-Scale Predictive Habitat Map for Europe
Output of the 2021 EUSeaMap broad-scale predictive model, produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats. The extent of the mapped area includes the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic... -
Area Designated For Hydrocarbon Exploration and Exploitation (Malta)
Area Designated For Hydrocarbon Exploration and Exploitation (Malta) -
Legal regimes of cultural heritage - eVRD (Slovenia)
Data in eVRD layer consist of a data protection regime of cultural heritage and the data register of immovable cultural heritage. Information about protection regimes are... -
MSFD Shelf Sublittoral Sediment (Malta)
For Malta this habitat type refers to the occurrence of sediment and associated communities at depths between 50m - 200m. The data refers to the distribution of known... -
MSFD Shallow sublittoral sediment without Posidonia (Malta)
For Malta this habitat type refers to the occurrence of sediments and associated communities at depths between 0m - 50m. -
MSFD Shelf sublittoral Rock Biogenic Reef (Malta)
For Malta this habitat type refers to the occurrence of rocky substrates and associated communities at depths between 50m - 200m. -
MSFD Biogenic Reef Polyline (Malta)
The data includes the distribution and characteristics of macro algal communities associated with the rocky shoreline of the Maltese Islands, as mapped through the 2008 CARLIT... -
MSFD Descriptor 1: Phytoplankton Habitat Condition (Malta)
The information gathered is part of Descriptor 1 of Commission Decision 2017/848/EU: specifically D1C6 (pelagic habitats). Phytoplankton communities constitute an important... -
MSFD Descriptor 1 and 6: Maerl (Malta)
This dataset includes data for % cover of rhodoliths located in the NE of Malta. Such data was collected under the EMFF 8.3.1 Project. The monitoring was undertaken in line with... -
MSFD Descriptor 1 and 6: Posidonia oceanica extent (Malta)
This dataset includes the extent of Posidonia oceanica meadows in Maltese waters. Such data was collected under the EMFF 8.3.1 Project. The monitoring was undertaken in line... -
MSFD Descriptor 1 and 6: Lithophyllum (Malta)
This dataset describes location and area cover for Lithophyllum bissoides platforms along the Maltese coast. Such data was collected under the EMFF 8.3.1 Project. The monitoring... -
Descriptor 1 and 6: CARLIT and Macroalgae Extent (Malta)
This dataset includes the extent of Macroalgae in the littoral zone, and data relevant to the CARLIT index. Such data was collected under the EMFF 8.3.1 Project. The monitoring... -
The Litto3D product is a unique and continuous land-sea altimetry database providing a three-dimensional representation of the shape and position of the ground on the coastal... -
carta dell'uso del suolo per la Regione Sardegna -
The geodatabase on offshore pipelines in the EU was created in 2017 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the aggregation... -
Special Nature Reserve Tivat Saline - Ramsar site (Montenegro)
In 2008 Solila was protected as Special Nature Reserve, in order to preserve rare, threatened and endangered plant and animal species, predominantly birds and plant communities.... -
Aquaculture facilities Marine farm Montenegro coast (SHAPE Adriatic Atlas 2015)
Marine areas relating to the bivalve molluscs breeding, the shellfish breeding and open sea aquaculture. The longer farmed species are Mithylus galloprovincialis (mussels) and... -
Monitoring of bathing water quality on public beaches in Montenegro
Public enterprise for coastal zone management in Montenegro, as an authority in charge of bathing water management in Montenegrin coast, realizes specific monitoring programs of... -
Floodplain in Coastal zone of Montenegro
Data about floods vulnerability in Coastal zone of Montenegro.