State of bathing waters - 2021- (EMODnet)
The dataset on status of bathing waters in the EU was created in 2015 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is based on the dataset... -
Coastal Zones 2018
The Coastal Zones (CZ) LC/LU product for 2018 is providing a detailed Land Cover / Land Use (LC/ LU) dataset for areas along the coastline of the EEA38 countries and the United... -
Atlas of the Mediterranean Seamounts and Seamount-like Structures - 2105 (IUCN)
IUCN Publication Editor(s): Rovere, MarziaWürtz, Maurizio Organization(s): Fondation MAVA pour la natureIUCN, Global Marine and Polar ProgrammeIUCN Centre for Mediterranean... -
Corine Land Cover beaches Calabria
Strato informativo della Carta Uso del Territorio "Zone aperte con vegetazione rada o assente", riguardante i seguenti tematismi:Spiagge, dune e sabbie;Rocce nude, falesie,... -
Corine Land Cover: Corpi Idrici Calabria
Strato informativo della Carta Uso del Territorio "Acque marittime", riguardante i seguenti tematismi:Lagune, laghi e stagni costieri; Estuari e delta