EUROSTAT Landing of fishery products (Estonia)
Landings of fishery products in the ports of EEA member countries (quantity and value) -
EUROSTAT Landing of fishery products (Finland)
Landings of fishery products in the ports of EEA member countries (quantity and value) -
EUROSTAT Landing of fishery products (Lithuania)
Landings of fishery products in the ports of EEA member countries (quantity and value) -
EUROSTAT Landings of fishery products (France)
Landings of fishery products in the ports of EEA member countries (quantity and value) -
EUROSTAT Landing of fishery products (Sweden)
Landings of fishery products in the ports of EEA member countries (quantity and value) -
Aquaculture production per species (fish_aq)
Aquaculture, also known as aquafarming, refers to the farming of aquatic (freshwater or saltwater) organisms, such as fish, molluscs, crustaceans and plants, for human use or...