EMODnet military area
The dataset on offshore military areas in the European seas was created in 2020 by CETMAR for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the... -
Bathing sites
The dataset on the status of bathing waters in the European seas was created in 2015 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is based on data... -
EMODnet Impulsive anthropogenic sound
EMODnet Physics - Impulsive noise events in Pulse Block Day unit. A PBDU is the number of days in a calendar year in which impulsive sound activity occurred within the... -
EMODnet Seaweed harvesting
This dataset stems from the Joint Research Centre (JRC) Biomass Mandate (https://knowledge4policy.ec.europa.eu/projects-activities/jrc-biomass-mandate_en) and it is available... -
Ocean Energy - EMODnet
The dataset on ocean energy in the European seas was created in 2014 by AZTI for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the aggregation... -
Desalination Plants - EMODnet
The database on Desalination plants in the EU was created in 2021 by Cogea srl for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the... -
Cultural Heritage, Ship wrecks - EMODnet
The dataset combines data collected from several sources: data collected and processed by the “Service hydrographique et océanographique de la marine” (SHOM) under the product... -
Cables, Power, Actual Routes - EMODnet
The dataset on subsea power cables in the European waters was created in 2014 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the... -
Shellfish Aquaculture - EMODnet
The dataset on shellfish aquaculture in the Eropean seas was created in 2014 by AND-International for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the... -
Algae Production - EMODnet
This dataset stems from the Joint Research Centre (JRC) Biomass Mandate (https://knowledge4policy.ec.europa.eu/projects-activities/jrc-biomass-mandate_en) and it is available... -
EMODnet Human Activities, Dredging
The dataset on dredging in the European waters was created in 2014 by AZTI for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the aggregation... -
EMODnet Human Activities, Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, Discharge po...
The dataset on coastal discharge points from Urban Waste Water Treatment Plant (UWWTP) was created in 2019 by AZTI for the European Marine Observation and Data Network... -
Energy Wind Farms - EMODnet
The dataset on offshore wind farms in the European seas was created in 2014 by CETMAR for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the... -
Regional Sea Conventions - Marine Protected Areas - EMODnet
The dataset on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) established under the framework of the Regional Sea Conventions (RSCs) was created in 2023 by Cogea for the European Marine... -
Aggregate Extraction - EMODnet
The dataset on aggregate extractions in the European seas was created in 2014 by AZTI for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the... -
State of bathing waters - 2021- (EMODnet)
The dataset on status of bathing waters in the EU was created in 2015 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is based on the dataset... -
Coastal Zones 2018
The Coastal Zones (CZ) LC/LU product for 2018 is providing a detailed Land Cover / Land Use (LC/ LU) dataset for areas along the coastline of the EEA38 countries and the United... -
Regional Sea Conventions MPAs
The dataset on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) established under the framework of the Regional Sea Conventions (RSCs) was created in 2023 by Cogea for the European Marine... -
EUSeaMap 2021 Broad-Scale Predictive Habitat Map for Europe
Output of the 2021 EUSeaMap broad-scale predictive model, produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats. The extent of the mapped area includes the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic...