4 datasets found

Metadata completeness: complete Domain area: European Seas

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  • EMODNet seabed habitats

    The EMODnet Seabed Habitats website provides a permanent single portal for accessing seabed habitat data in Europe. This includes the EMODnet broad-scale seabed habitat map for...
  • WISE Marine

    WISE-Marine is a portal and infrastructure for sharing information with the marine community on the marine environment at European level. Focusing on the state of the marine...
  • Hydrocarbon extraction platform - Italy (Emodnet)

    Offshore infrastructures for the exploitation of the natural resources stored in the seabed. The platforms can be single well or connected to others of the same type to forming...
  • EEA Data and Maps

    Portal of the European Environment Agency containing static and interactive data, maps and graphs subdivided per different environmental topics.