Marine aggregates - sand deposits (Italy)
Union of areas of sandy deposits/sediments at sea -
Proposed Natura 2000 sites (Italy)
The layer represents the distribution of the proposed Italian marine/coastal Natura 2000 areas. -
Pelagos Sanctuary (SID)
The Pelagos sanctuary is a marine area of 87,500 km² that was created by an agreement between Italy, the Principality of Monaco and France for the protection of the marine... -
Research sites (Italy)
The layer represents the distribution and main characteristics of research and experimentation sites on the Italian seas and coasts. -
Biological protection areas - Italy - ZTB (SID)
Biological protection areas (ZTB - Zone di Tutela Biologica) in Italy -
Natura 2000 sites (EMODnet)
The dataset on Natura 2000 sites was created in 2014 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network. It is entirely based on spatial data from the European... -
Regional Sea Conventions MPAs
The dataset on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) established under the framework of the Regional Sea Conventions (RSCs) was created in 2023 by Cogea for the European Marine... -
Ramsar sites - Italy (SID)
Italian coastal Ramsar sites. -
Extraction platforms (Italy)
Marine platforms for the extraction of gas, oil, FSO, other (and inactive). List of marine structures installed in the Italian offshore. The list includes platforms with emerged... -
Chemical status surface waters and marine waters (Italy)
Chemical status of surface water bodies (lakes, marine-coastal waters and territorial waters) - Report District Management Plans 2016 according to the Water Framework Directive... -
Ecological status surface waters and marine waters (Italy)
Ecological status of surface water bodies (lakes, marine-coastal waters and territorial waters) - Report District Management Plans 2016 according to the Water Framework... -
EMODnet Human Activities: Shellfish aquaculture
The database on shellfish aquaculture in the EU was created in 2014 by AND-International for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the...