5 datasets found

Metadata completeness: complete Category: biological_characteristics Web services: OGC_WCS

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  • EMODNet seabed habitats

    The EMODnet Seabed Habitats website provides a permanent single portal for accessing seabed habitat data in Europe. This includes the EMODnet broad-scale seabed habitat map for...
  • Tursiop sighting Emilia-Romagna Region

    Sites where dolphins have been detected during the monitoring survey of 2018. Emilia-Romagna region, through the operative section Arpae-Daphne, has carried out three...
  • Seabirds

    Potential Seabirds sites grid in the Adriatic is a dataset developed by UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA (2010), which considers the “pelagic distribution of Mediterranean seabird of...
  • SHAPE Adriatic Atlas

    The Adriatic Atlas is designed as a tool for storing, visualizing and managing all those data that are necessary in order to implement the Integrated Coastal Zone Management...
  • ADRIPLAN Data Portal

    The ADRIPLAN Data Portal is a collaborative platform making accessible data, services and tools to support Maritime Spatial Planning processes implementation in the Adriatic and...
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