The Adriatic Atlas is designed as a tool for storing, visualizing and managing all those data that are necessary in order to implement the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) policies: it represents a first support to the decision-making process, in which all the information have been harmonized at the basin level . This tool was also designed in order to allow the exposure of data at a local scale (i.e. regional scale) for all the project partners.
The Atlas includes not only territorial data stricto sensu, but also the legislative and planning framework of the Adriatic marine and coastal area. By querying the map, a dialogue window opens up showing the list of legislation and/or plans of that location.
The Atlas represents a starting point for future European projects that will be able to benefit of the wide range of data which are elaborated in the Atlas, thus facilitating spatial analysis of all kinds.