190 datasets found

Web services: OGC_WMS

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  • Main Ports Statistics 2015-2016 -Emodnet

    The geodatabase on maritime transport in EU main ports includes goods, passengers and vessels traffic in the EU and was created in 2014 by Eurofish and Cogea for the European...
  • Seabed Habitats

    Seabed Habitats was initiated in EMODnet Phase I (2009-2013) through the EUSeaMap project. During the current Phase III (2017-2020), Seabed Habitats will extend the work carried...
  • Offshore sand dredged

    The Adriatic studied sand deposits map with two layers: a)The potentially sand resources(offhore sand deposits); b) the dredged areas already exploited (offshore sand dredged)....
  • Underwater pipelines

    Submarine pipelines for the transportation of hydrocarbons in the Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Veneto marine area
  • exactEarth

    Commercial portal providing access to real-time data and derived products from AIS data. Available products are density maps, geospatial web services, view services for the...
  • Wind Power Stations in Greece

    Wind Power stations classified in: - Installation Licence - Operational Licence - Production Licence - Rejected - Under Evaluation. The dataset is accessible through the Map...
  • SHAPE Adriatic Atlas

    The Adriatic Atlas is designed as a tool for storing, visualizing and managing all those data that are necessary in order to implement the Integrated Coastal Zone Management...
  • ADRIPLAN Data Portal

    The ADRIPLAN Data Portal is a collaborative platform making accessible data, services and tools to support Maritime Spatial Planning processes implementation in the Adriatic and...
  • National Geoportal (IT)

    As a huge on line geographic atlas including the cartography available on italian areas, from which to get tons of information on the main environmental and territorial themes:...
  • CoCoNet

    The COCONET WebGIS publishes data stored in the Geodatabases with all information available for the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The WebGIS system provides access and...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).