33 datasets found

Category: biological_characteristics Web services: OGC_WMS

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  • MSFD Descriptor 1: Phytoplankton Habitat Condition (Malta)

    The information gathered is part of Descriptor 1 of Commission Decision 2017/848/EU: specifically D1C6 (pelagic habitats). Phytoplankton communities constitute an important...
  • MSFD Descriptor 1 and 6: Maerl (Malta)

    This dataset includes data for % cover of rhodoliths located in the NE of Malta. Such data was collected under the EMFF 8.3.1 Project. The monitoring was undertaken in line with...
  • MSFD Descriptor 1 and 6: Posidonia oceanica extent (Malta)

    This dataset includes the extent of Posidonia oceanica meadows in Maltese waters. Such data was collected under the EMFF 8.3.1 Project. The monitoring was undertaken in line...
  • MSFD Descriptor 1 and 6: Lithophyllum (Malta)

    This dataset describes location and area cover for Lithophyllum bissoides platforms along the Maltese coast. Such data was collected under the EMFF 8.3.1 Project. The monitoring...
  • Descriptor 1 and 6: CARLIT and Macroalgae Extent (Malta)

    This dataset includes the extent of Macroalgae in the littoral zone, and data relevant to the CARLIT index. Such data was collected under the EMFF 8.3.1 Project. The monitoring...
  • EMODNet seabed habitats

    The EMODnet Seabed Habitats website provides a permanent single portal for accessing seabed habitat data in Europe. This includes the EMODnet broad-scale seabed habitat map for...
  • WISE Marine

    WISE-Marine is a portal and infrastructure for sharing information with the marine community on the marine environment at European level. Focusing on the state of the marine...
  • Seabirds

    Potential Seabirds sites grid in the Adriatic is a dataset developed by UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA (2010), which considers the “pelagic distribution of Mediterranean seabird of...
  • Nursery/Recruitment Habitats

    The map shows the area where recruitment of species concentrate (nursery areas). Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available...
  • Marine mammals

    Sightings of marine mammals in the Adriatic Sea recorded during the aerial surveys in 2010 and 2013
  • SHAPE Adriatic Atlas

    The Adriatic Atlas is designed as a tool for storing, visualizing and managing all those data that are necessary in order to implement the Integrated Coastal Zone Management...
  • ADRIPLAN Data Portal

    The ADRIPLAN Data Portal is a collaborative platform making accessible data, services and tools to support Maritime Spatial Planning processes implementation in the Adriatic and...
  • CoCoNet

    The COCONET WebGIS publishes data stored in the Geodatabases with all information available for the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The WebGIS system provides access and...
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