Morphology Ionian Italian Coast
Morphology of the coast for the Ionian Italian regions -
sandy dunal landscapes in Calabria
sandy dunal landscapes in Calabria -
Vincolo archeologici Calabria
vincolo archeologici calabria -
Corine Land Cover beaches Calabria
Strato informativo della Carta Uso del Territorio "Zone aperte con vegetazione rada o assente", riguardante i seguenti tematismi:Spiagge, dune e sabbie;Rocce nude, falesie,... -
Corine Land Cover: Corpi Idrici Calabria
Strato informativo della Carta Uso del Territorio "Acque marittime", riguardante i seguenti tematismi:Lagune, laghi e stagni costieri; Estuari e delta -
Zone umide Calabria
Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo paesaggistico: Zone Umide -
SIC Calabria
Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo ambientale: Rete Natura 2000 - Siti d'Interesse Comunitario(SIC) -
Parchi Regionali Calabria
Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo ambientale: Aree Protette - Parchi Regionali -
Oasi e Riserve Calabria
Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo ambientale: Aree Protette - Oasi e Riserve -
SIN Calabria
Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo ambientale: Rete Natura 2000 - Siti d'Interesse Nazionale(SIN) -
SIR Calabria
Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo ambientale: Rete Natura 2000 - Siti d'Interesse Regionale(SIR) -
Parchi Nazionali Calabria
Aree della Regione Calabria sottoposte a vincolo ambientale: Aree Protette - Parchi Nazionali -
ZPS Calabria
Regione Calabria: Natura 2000 - Special Protected Zones (ZPS) -
Tursiop sighting Emilia-Romagna Region
Sites where dolphins have been detected during the monitoring survey of 2018. Emilia-Romagna region, through the operative section Arpae-Daphne, has carried out three... -
Pipelines Italy (schematic)
The data comes from the website of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, its contain only the schematic routes between marine platforms and marine platforms and storage... -
Safety zones around platforms
Safety zone radius 200m and 500 m around offshore infrastructures for the exploitation of the natural resources stored in the seabed. In general anchoring, fishing, transit and... -
The exploitation of hydrocarbon resources stored in the sea subsoil requires the laying of cables and pipelines, as well as platforms, for the extraction and transport of energy... -
Maritime Transport Europe
For Europe, maritime transport has been a catalyst for economic development and prosperity throughout its history. Maritime Transport enables trade and contacts between all... -
WISE Marine
WISE-Marine is a portal and infrastructure for sharing information with the marine community on the marine environment at European level. Focusing on the state of the marine... -
Storage and treatment terminals on land - Italy
Sites of natural gas and crude oil collection and treatment plants located in the Italian national territory and temporary storage floating units in the Italian offshore.