5 datasets found

None: Adriplan

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  • GFCM Geographical Sub-Areas

    The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), recognising the need to compile data, monitor fisheries and assess fisheries resources in a georeferenced manner,...
  • Aquaculture (Veneto - June 2014)

    Current (last update June 2014) aquaculture areas concessions in the sea (Veneto Region).
  • Opere difesa 2014 Regione Emilia Romagna

    Mapping of defense works on the basis of AGEA Flight 2014. The images used are orthorectified on the basis of CTR 1: 5000.
  • Main Ports Statistics 2015-2016 -Emodnet

    The geodatabase on maritime transport in EU main ports includes goods, passengers and vessels traffic in the EU and was created in 2014 by Eurofish and Cogea for the European...
  • Offshore sand dredged

    The Adriatic studied sand deposits map with two layers: a)The potentially sand resources(offhore sand deposits); b) the dredged areas already exploited (offshore sand dredged)....
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