Aquaculture facilities Marine farm Montenegro coast (SHAPE Adriatic Atlas 2015)
Marine areas relating to the bivalve molluscs breeding, the shellfish breeding and open sea aquaculture. The longer farmed species are Mithylus galloprovincialis (mussels) and... -
Montenegro territorial waters
Territorial waters as defined by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea is a belt 12 nautical miles from baseline of a coastal country. Data set contains... -
Marine protected areas Emilia-Romagna (IT)
Marine protected areas in Emilia-Romagna and biologic protection zone; they represent sites aimed at maintaining biodiversity and increasing fish resources, through the... -
Anchorage areas
Anchorage areas. The vectors data have been edited by Istituto Idrografico della Marina - Italy (Electronic Navigational Charts). Shape Projact Adriatic Atlas administrators... -
IMO - Traffic regulation zones: traffic lane
Ships' routeing systems and traffic separation schemes that have been approved by International Maritime Organization (IMO). The traffic-lanes (or clearways) indicate the... -
IMO - Traffic regulation zones: Separation zones
Ships' routeing systems and traffic separation schemes that have been approved by International Maritime Organization (IMO). A traffic separation scheme is a scheme which aims... -
Port and Harbour (IT)
Data on major ports and harbours in the italian portion of Adriatic sea. Vector data have been provided by Shape project partners. "Shape Adriatic Atlas" administrators have... -
SAFETY ZONE - around pipelines
Safety zone for submarine pipelines for the transportation of hydrocarbons in the Emilia-Romagna, Marche and Veneto marine area -
Safety zones around platforms
Safety zone radius 200m and 500 m around offshore infrastructures for the exploitation of the natural resources stored in the seabed. In general anchoring, fishing, transit and... -
The exploitation of hydrocarbon resources stored in the sea subsoil requires the laying of cables and pipelines, as well as platforms, for the extraction and transport of energy... -
Ferry route
Major ferry route according to travel agencies (no GPS data) and Opens Street Data (GPS data); Combination of OpenStreetMap data for Adriatic sea that are georeferenced using...