Bathymetry (Baltic sea)
The bathymetric model is created using data from the countries around the baltic sea. Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Estonia have all delivered data for this 500 meter grid model.... -
EMODnet Mean Sea Level
The EMODnet Bathymetry World Coastline is available as a WFS service from EMODnet Bathymetry. The service URL is: https://ows.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/wfs. The layer contains... -
2005-2099 High resolution bioclimatic variables for the surface and bottom of...
This dataset provides annual statistical descriptors: mean, minimum, maximum, range and standard deviation(std.dev) of key biogeochemical and physical variables for the... -
Rivers (France)
A river water body is a distinct and significant part of surface waters such as a river, stream, or canal, or a section of a river, stream, or canal, serving as the basic... -
River (Spain)
Hydrography elements (physical waters), both natural and artificial (rivers, canals, ditches, lakes, reservoirs, dams, hydrographic points of interest, etc.), and hydrographic... -
EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM) 2022
The "EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM)- 2022" is a multilayer bathymetric product for Europe’s sea basins covering: • the Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and stretches... -
State of bathing waters - 2021- (EMODnet)
The dataset on status of bathing waters in the EU was created in 2015 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is based on the dataset... -
Coastal Zones 2018
The Coastal Zones (CZ) LC/LU product for 2018 is providing a detailed Land Cover / Land Use (LC/ LU) dataset for areas along the coastline of the EEA38 countries and the United... -
Pelagos Sanctuary (SID)
The Pelagos sanctuary is a marine area of 87,500 km² that was created by an agreement between Italy, the Principality of Monaco and France for the protection of the marine... -
WISE WFD Quality Elements status reported under Water Framework Directive - 2016
The WISE WFD quality elements status contains information about the ecological status or potential of European surface water bodies, delineated for the River Basin Management... -
Atlas of the Mediterranean Seamounts and Seamount-like Structures - 2105 (IUCN)
IUCN Publication Editor(s): Rovere, MarziaWürtz, Maurizio Organization(s): Fondation MAVA pour la natureIUCN, Global Marine and Polar ProgrammeIUCN Centre for Mediterranean...