12 datasets found

Domain area: Adriatic Sea Web services: OGC_WMS

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  • Bathing waters

    Data set contains data on bathing waters monitoring network in Adriatic area. The EU Bathing Waters Directive requires Member States to monitor bathing places for indicators of...
  • Seabirds

    Potential Seabirds sites grid in the Adriatic is a dataset developed by UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA (2010), which considers the “pelagic distribution of Mediterranean seabird of...
  • Adriatic traffic density July 2014 - June 2015

    Map of traffic density derived from AIS observations. The was created combining AIS monthly data from July 2014 to June 2015, provided by BALMAS project through the BALMAS GIS...
  • Nursery/Recruitment Habitats

    The map shows the area where recruitment of species concentrate (nursery areas). Recruits were considered as those specimens that have settled on the bottom, becoming available...
  • Marine mammals

    Sightings of marine mammals in the Adriatic Sea recorded during the aerial surveys in 2010 and 2013
  • LBA - SHYFEM 2016 - N-P total / Plume / Organic matter

    Land Based Activities - SHYFEM simulation for N-P total / Plume / Organic matter
  • 3 nautical miles from the coast

    Vector (polygon) featuring marine waters between the coastline and 3 nautical miles offshore
  • 4 nautical miles from the coast

    Vector (polygon) featuring Italian marine waters between the coastline and 4 nautical miles offshore
  • 6 nautical miles from the coast

    Vector (polygon) featuring Italian marine waters between the coastline and 6 nautical miles offshore
  • 12 nautical miles from the coast - terrestrial waters

    Vector (polygon) featuring Italian marine waters between the coastline and 12 nautical miles offshore.
  • SHAPE Adriatic Atlas

    The Adriatic Atlas is designed as a tool for storing, visualizing and managing all those data that are necessary in order to implement the Integrated Coastal Zone Management...
  • ADRIPLAN Data Portal

    The ADRIPLAN Data Portal is a collaborative platform making accessible data, services and tools to support Maritime Spatial Planning processes implementation in the Adriatic and...
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