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State of bathing waters - 2021- (EMODnet) [Draft]

The dataset on status of bathing waters in the EU was created in 2015 by Cogea for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is based on the dataset 'Bathing Water Directive - Status of bathing water' provided by The European Topic Centre on Water and made available by the European Environment Agency at The EU Bathing Water Directive requires Member States to identify popular bathing places in fresh and coastal waters and monitor them for indicators of microbiological pollution (and other substances) throughout the bathing season which runs from May to September. The dataset presents the latest information as reported by the Member States, Albania, Switzerland and the United Kingdom for the 2021 bathing season, as well as some historical data since 1990, and it is available for viewing and download on EMODnet - Human Activities web portal ( Only coastal and transitional sites are shown on the viewer, while the dataset also contains lake and river sites. The geographic coverage is: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. More information are available at Classifications were not made for the UK sites for the 2020 season due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sampling programme. Compared with the previous version, the dataset has been updated according to the latest EEA version. 2021 data for UK sites come from national authorities.

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Original title
Original abstract
Topic category
  • physical_characteristics
  • source_of_pollution
Sub category State of bathing waters
Resource language English
Domain area
  • european_seas
Owner EEA
Provider EMODnet
Data portal EMODnet Map Viewer
Presentation form Map (map represented in raster or vector form)
Spatial representation Vector - point
Coordinate reference system
    Web services
    • OGC-WMS
    • OGC-WFS
    Derives from
    Derived datasets
    Successor of
    Predecessor of
    Temporal extent
    Spatial extent
    Data accessibility
    Validation level Official data
    Additional information
    Metadata completeness Complete

    Additional info - MSP - Environment

    Species, habitats, ecosystems, pressures

    Field Value
    MSFD Classes
      MSFD Descriptors/Criteria
        Non MSFD Classes

            Additional info - MSP - Oceanographic and CC

            Physics, biochemistry, EOV, ECV

            Field Value

              Additional info - MSP - Conservation

              Protected areas, OECM, IBA, EBSA, CCH, IMMA, ...

              Field Value

                Additional info - MSP - Maritime activities

                Aquaculture, fishing, transport, energy, ...

                Field Value
                Activity types

                  Additional info - MSP - Coastal & Land use and planning

                  Land use, land cover, planning (strategic, coordination, operational)

                  Field Value

                    Additional info - MSP - Socio-economic

                    Living and non-living resources, shipping, tourism, energy, ...

                    Field Value
                    Activity types
                      Value types

                          Additional info - MSP - Ecosystem Services

                          Provisioning, regulation & maintenance, cultural

                          Field Value
                          CICES classes

                            Additional info - MSP - Legal, Governance & Planning

                            Strategic, legislation, planning, administrative, enforcement

                            Field Value
                                Who is in charge?

                                Additional info - MSP - Relevance

                                Relevance of the dataset / resource in supporting the MSP process at different spatial scales and temporal frames

                                Field Value
                                Relevance (spatial and temporal)