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On November 5, 2024 at 10:03:24 AM UTC, Gravatar emilie-delaroche-shom:
  • Updated description of resource Rivers (France) in Rivers (France) from

    A river water body is a distinct and significant part of surface waters such as a river, stream, or canal, or a section of a river, stream, or canal, serving as the basic division of aquatic environments intended to be the assessment unit under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The river water bodies are derived from the hydrographic theme BDCarthage® v3 of BDCarto®. The criteria for defining river water bodies are: A water body belongs to a single hydro-ecoregion. The dominant fish population based on the fish context (salmonid, cyprinid, intermediate). Size class (Strahler stream order). The code for the water body is structured as follows: Type code of the water body + Basin code (district as defined by the WFD) + Increment. WFD reporting correspondence: this entity corresponds to the concept of River Water Body (RWBODY) in WISE.
    Watercourse segment data of metropolitan France BD Topage® version 2024 A river water body is a distinct and significant part of surface waters such as a river, stream, or canal, or a section of a river, stream, or canal, serving as the basic division of aquatic environments intended to be the assessment unit under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The river water bodies are derived from the hydrographic theme BDCarthage® v3 of BDCarto®. The criteria for defining river water bodies are: A water body belongs to a single hydro-ecoregion. The dominant fish population based on the fish context (salmonid, cyprinid, intermediate). Size class (Strahler stream order). The code for the water body is structured as follows: Type code of the water body + Basin code (district as defined by the WFD) + Increment. WFD reporting correspondence: this entity corresponds to the concept of River Water Body (RWBODY) in WISE.

  • Uploaded a new file to resource Rivers (France) in Rivers (France)