MPA Baltic Sea
This dataset contains borders of the HELCOM MPAs (former Baltic Sea Protected Areas (BSPAs). The dataset has been compiled from data submitted by HELCOM Contracting Parties. It... -
ReMAP - MSP compatibility with marine conservation module
Reference dataset to collect relevant layers for the MSP compatibility with marine conservation module (ReMAP project). -
Coastal Land use Spanish part of the PSSA classified with eHILUCS
Land use map of Spain corresponding to the European project CORINE Land Cover (CLC) with a nomenclature of 44 classes, reference year 2018 version. In Spain, the reference... -
MPA for Galicia classified with IUCN categories
Marine protected area for Galicia classified with IUCN categories. -
ReMAP - Land-sea interactions module
Reference dataset to collect relevant layers for the Land-sea interactions module (ReMAP project). -
Coastal Land use Baltic Sea classified with eHILUCS
Coastal Land use of the Baltic Sea 10km inland classified with eHILUCS, build from CORINE Land Cover (CLC) 2018, Version 2020_20u1... -
MPA IUCN Spanish part of Mediterranean Sea
Marine protected area for Spanish part of Mediterranean Sea classified with IUCN categories -
Coastal Land Use French part of the Mediterranean Sea classified with eHILUCS
This dataset of 3 shapefiles is created based on the BD TOPO® from IGN, the 3D vector description (structured as objects) of territorial elements and infrastructure, with metric... -
Coastal Land use of Galicia classified with eHILUCS
The Land cover information is essential for supporting geographic projects coordinated by the National Geographic Institute and other Public Administrations. SIOSE Land Use data... -
MPA IUCN Italian part - Mediterranean sea
Marine Protected Areas classified with IUCN categories for the Italian part of the Mediterranean sea. -
MPA IUCN French part - Mediterranean Sea
Marine protected areas for the French part of the Mediterranean Sea classified with IUCN categories. -
Coastal Land use Italy classified with eHILUCS
Coastal Land use data for LSI module classified with eHILUCS from INSPIRE recommandations for the North Western Mediterranean part of the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA)... -
Maritime limits (Spain)
These metadata page for the maritime limits of Spain contains: - the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Mediterranean - Maritime Boundaries for Spain. - the territorial water... -
ReMAP - Navigation safety module
Reference dataset to collect relevant layers for the Navigation safety module (ReMAP project). -
ReMAP - Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) module
Reference dataset to collect relevant layers for the Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) module (ReMAP project). -
ReMAP - Ecosystem services module
Reference dataset to collect relevant layers for the Ecosystem services module (ReMAP project). -
ReMAP - Governance module
Reference dataset to collect relevant layers for the Governance module (ReMAP project). -
ReMAP - MSFD module
Reference dataset to collect relevant layers for the MSFD module (ReMAP project). -
ReMAP - Socio-economic module
Reference dataset to collect relevant layers for the Socio-economic module (ReMAP project). -
MSP Spatial Plan (Italy)
Italian MSP under public consultation. How the Maritime Spatial Management Plans can be reviewed: The Plans can be accessed through the SID il Portale del Mare (Portal or...