f | { | f | { |
| "additional_informations": "", | | "additional_informations": "", |
| "author": null, | | "author": null, |
| "author_email": null, | | "author_email": null, |
| "autonotes": "", | | "autonotes": "", |
| "category": "", | | "category": "", |
| "child_of_string": "", | | "child_of_string": "", |
| "children": "", | | "children": "", |
| "coastal-land-use-and-planning": [], | | "coastal-land-use-and-planning": [], |
| "conservation-types": [], | | "conservation-types": [], |
| "creator_user_id": "1ae9c86d-9e1e-426b-9456-f69e06f3aac2", | | "creator_user_id": "1ae9c86d-9e1e-426b-9456-f69e06f3aac2", |
| "crs": [ | | "crs": [ |
| "4326" | | "4326" |
| ], | | ], |
| "crs_other": "", | | "crs_other": "", |
| "data_accessibility": "", | | "data_accessibility": "", |
n | "data_portal": "datos.gob.es", | n | "data_portal": "datos.gob.es,siose.es", |
| "derived": "remap-land-sea-interactions-module", | | "derived": "remap-land-sea-interactions-module", |
| "derives_from_string": "", | | "derives_from_string": "", |
| "domain_area": "", | | "domain_area": "", |
| "ecosystem-services": [], | | "ecosystem-services": [], |
| "environment-msfd-classes": [], | | "environment-msfd-classes": [], |
| "environment-msfd-descriptors-criteria": [], | | "environment-msfd-descriptors-criteria": [], |
| "environment-non-msfd-classes": [], | | "environment-non-msfd-classes": [], |
| "environment-wfd": [], | | "environment-wfd": [], |
| "groups": [], | | "groups": [], |
| "id": "7985055b-df98-430f-82e5-980b1c9b76e1", | | "id": "7985055b-df98-430f-82e5-980b1c9b76e1", |
| "isopen": true, | | "isopen": true, |
| "language": "eng", | | "language": "eng", |
| "legal-governance-planning-function": [], | | "legal-governance-planning-function": [], |
| "legal-governance-planning-theme": [], | | "legal-governance-planning-theme": [], |
| "legal-governance-planning-who-is-in-charge": "", | | "legal-governance-planning-who-is-in-charge": "", |
| "license_id": "other-open", | | "license_id": "other-open", |
| "license_title": "Other (Open)", | | "license_title": "Other (Open)", |
| "maintainer": null, | | "maintainer": null, |
| "maintainer_email": null, | | "maintainer_email": null, |
| "maritime-activities": [], | | "maritime-activities": [], |
| "metadata_completeness": "complete", | | "metadata_completeness": "complete", |
| "metadata_created": "2025-02-12T09:20:58.947544", | | "metadata_created": "2025-02-12T09:20:58.947544", |
n | "metadata_modified": "2025-02-24T07:52:11.731279", | n | "metadata_modified": "2025-02-27T12:27:54.099862", |
| "name": "coastal-land-use-spain-classified-with-ehilucs", | | "name": "coastal-land-use-spain-classified-with-ehilucs", |
| "notes": "Land use map of Spain corresponding to the European | | "notes": "Land use map of Spain corresponding to the European |
| project CORINE Land Cover (CLC) with a nomenclature of 44 classes, | | project CORINE Land Cover (CLC) with a nomenclature of 44 classes, |
| reference year 2018 version. In Spain, the reference geodetic system | | reference year 2018 version. In Spain, the reference geodetic system |
| used is ETRS89 (in the Canary Islands, WGS84/REGCAN95) and UTM | | used is ETRS89 (in the Canary Islands, WGS84/REGCAN95) and UTM |
| projection zone 30 (in the Canary Islands, zone 28).\r\n\r\nThe CORINE | | projection zone 30 (in the Canary Islands, zone 28).\r\n\r\nThe CORINE |
| Land Cover (CLC) project has been under the responsibility of the | | Land Cover (CLC) project has been under the responsibility of the |
| European Environment Agency since 1995, with the fundamental objective | | European Environment Agency since 1995, with the fundamental objective |
| of obtaining a European land use database at a 1:100,000 scale, useful | | of obtaining a European land use database at a 1:100,000 scale, useful |
| for territorial analysis and the management of European policies. | | for territorial analysis and the management of European policies. |
| Modified for ReMAP project with HILUCS classification created by ULPGC | | Modified for ReMAP project with HILUCS classification created by ULPGC |
| Gran Canaria, cut out to 5 km inland and for the Particularly | | Gran Canaria, cut out to 5 km inland and for the Particularly |
n | Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) part of Spain.\r\n\r\nCurrently, this | n | Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) part of Spain.\r\n\r\nThe Land cover |
| | | information is essential for supporting geographic projects |
| | | coordinated by the National Geographic Institute and other Public |
| | | Administrations.\r\n\r\nThe Directorate General of the National |
| | | Geographic Institute, in its role as the \"National Reference Center |
| | | on Land Cover\" within the EIONET Network, under the National Focal |
| | | Point (Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic |
| | | Challenge), has as one of its main objectives the production and |
| | | coordination of geospatial reference information on land cover and |
| | | land use.\r\n\r\nSIOSE Land Use data from 2017 is also modified and |
| | | transformed as an harmonized dataset for ReMAP project, the file is in |
| | | geopackage format. SIOSE is the Land Cover Information System of |
| | | Spain, integrated into the National Land Observation Plan (PNOT), with |
| | | the objective of generating a nationwide land cover |
| | | database.\r\n\r\nIt is produced in a decentralized and coordinated |
| | | manner among various administrations, following the INSPIRE principles |
| | | and undergoing periodic updates.\r\n\r\nCurrently, this project is |
| project is part of the \"Copernicus\" program, whose main objective is | | part of the \"Copernicus\" program, whose main objective is to |
| to establish an Earth Observation System under the mandate of the | | establish an Earth Observation System under the mandate of the |
| European Commission.", | | European Commission.\r\n\r\n", |
| "num_resources": 1, | | "num_resources": 1, |
n | "num_tags": 2, | n | "num_tags": 4, |
| "oceanographic-variables": [], | | "oceanographic-variables": [], |
| "organization": { | | "organization": { |
| "approval_status": "approved", | | "approval_status": "approved", |
| "created": "2024-07-18T07:58:37.958674", | | "created": "2024-07-18T07:58:37.958674", |
| "description": "This organization collect datasets related to the | | "description": "This organization collect datasets related to the |
| ReMAP project, and specifically datasets that are used by the modules | | ReMAP project, and specifically datasets that are used by the modules |
| developed by the projects itself and used in the three use cases: | | developed by the projects itself and used in the three use cases: |
| Baltic Sea, Western Mediterranean, Galicia.\r\n\r\nReMAP (Reviewing | | Baltic Sea, Western Mediterranean, Galicia.\r\n\r\nReMAP (Reviewing |
| and Evaluating the Monitoring and Assessment of Maritime Spatial | | and Evaluating the Monitoring and Assessment of Maritime Spatial |
| Planning) is a project financed by the EU through the Grant Agreement | | Planning) is a project financed by the EU through the Grant Agreement |
| n\u00ba 101081304 \u2014 ReMAP \u2014 EMFAF-2021-PIA-MSP.\r\n\r\nIt | | n\u00ba 101081304 \u2014 ReMAP \u2014 EMFAF-2021-PIA-MSP.\r\n\r\nIt |
| targets to set up strategies and processes to monitor and assess | | targets to set up strategies and processes to monitor and assess |
| Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) plans.\r\nProject website: | | Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) plans.\r\nProject website: |
| http://www.geoportal.ulpgc.es/remap/", | | http://www.geoportal.ulpgc.es/remap/", |
| "id": "cd9e980b-856d-4006-9493-2e6a450b2a63", | | "id": "cd9e980b-856d-4006-9493-2e6a450b2a63", |
| "image_url": "2024-07-18-075954.019722LogoReMAP-4.png", | | "image_url": "2024-07-18-075954.019722LogoReMAP-4.png", |
| "is_organization": true, | | "is_organization": true, |
| "name": "remap-project", | | "name": "remap-project", |
| "state": "active", | | "state": "active", |
| "title": "ReMAP Project", | | "title": "ReMAP Project", |
| "type": "organization" | | "type": "organization" |
| }, | | }, |
| "original-abstract": "Mapa de ocupaci\u00f3n del suelo en | | "original-abstract": "Mapa de ocupaci\u00f3n del suelo en |
| Espa\u00f1a correspondiente al proyecto europeo CORINE Land Cover | | Espa\u00f1a correspondiente al proyecto europeo CORINE Land Cover |
| (CLC) con una nomenclatura de 44 clases, versi\u00f3n del a\u00f1o de | | (CLC) con una nomenclatura de 44 clases, versi\u00f3n del a\u00f1o de |
| referencia 2018. En Espa\u00f1a el Sistema geod\u00e9sico de | | referencia 2018. En Espa\u00f1a el Sistema geod\u00e9sico de |
| referencia utilizado es ETRS89 (en Canarias, WGS84/REGCAN95) y | | referencia utilizado es ETRS89 (en Canarias, WGS84/REGCAN95) y |
| proyecci\u00f3n UTM huso 30 (en Canarias, huso 28). El proyecto CORINE | | proyecci\u00f3n UTM huso 30 (en Canarias, huso 28). El proyecto CORINE |
| Land Cover (CLC) es responsabilidad desde 1995 de la Agencia Europea | | Land Cover (CLC) es responsabilidad desde 1995 de la Agencia Europea |
| del Medio Ambiente con el objetivo fundamental de obtener una base de | | del Medio Ambiente con el objetivo fundamental de obtener una base de |
| datos europea de ocupaci\u00f3n del suelo a escala 1:100.000, | | datos europea de ocupaci\u00f3n del suelo a escala 1:100.000, |
| \u00fatil para el an\u00e1lisis territorial y la gesti\u00f3n de | | \u00fatil para el an\u00e1lisis territorial y la gesti\u00f3n de |
| pol\u00edticas europeas. En la actualidad este proyecto est\u00e1 | | pol\u00edticas europeas. En la actualidad este proyecto est\u00e1 |
| incluido en el Programa \u00abCopernicus\u00bb, cuyo principal | | incluido en el Programa \u00abCopernicus\u00bb, cuyo principal |
| objetivo es establecer un Sistema de Observaci\u00f3n de la Tierra | | objetivo es establecer un Sistema de Observaci\u00f3n de la Tierra |
| bajo el mandato de la Comisi\u00f3n Europea.", | | bajo el mandato de la Comisi\u00f3n Europea.", |
n | "original-title": "CORINE Land Cover 2018 (Espa\u00f1a)", | n | "original-title": "CORINE Land Cover 2018 (Espa\u00f1a) and SIOSE |
| | | Land Use 2017", |
| "owner": "Centro Nacional de Informaci\u00f3n Geogr\u00e1fica", | | "owner": "Centro Nacional de Informaci\u00f3n |
| | | Geogr\u00e1fica,ministerio del transportes y movilidad sostenible", |
| "owner_org": "cd9e980b-856d-4006-9493-2e6a450b2a63", | | "owner_org": "cd9e980b-856d-4006-9493-2e6a450b2a63", |
| "pdm_modules_relevance": [], | | "pdm_modules_relevance": [], |
| "pdm_testing_relevance": [], | | "pdm_testing_relevance": [], |
| "presentation_form": "map", | | "presentation_form": "map", |
| "private": false, | | "private": false, |
n | "provider": "Centro Nacional de Informaci\u00f3n Geogr\u00e1fica", | n | "provider": "Centro Nacional de Informaci\u00f3n |
| | | Geogr\u00e1fica,ministerio del transportes y movilidad sostenible", |
| "relationships_as_object": [], | | "relationships_as_object": [], |
| "relationships_as_subject": [], | | "relationships_as_subject": [], |
| "relevance-spatial-and-temporal": [], | | "relevance-spatial-and-temporal": [], |
| "resources": [ | | "resources": [ |
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| "cache_last_updated": null, | | "cache_last_updated": null, |
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| "created": "2025-02-12T09:23:41.521126", | | "created": "2025-02-12T09:23:41.521126", |
| "datastore_active": false, | | "datastore_active": false, |
| "description": "Coastal land use classified with eHILUCS | | "description": "Coastal land use classified with eHILUCS |
| categories from ULPGC Gran Canaria with a cut out 5 km inland and for | | categories from ULPGC Gran Canaria with a cut out 5 km inland and for |
| the PSSA part of Spain.", | | the PSSA part of Spain.", |
| "format": "zipped shapefile", | | "format": "zipped shapefile", |
| "hash": "", | | "hash": "", |
| "id": "0b1b0719-5670-4f8f-a3bb-5527d65180fb", | | "id": "0b1b0719-5670-4f8f-a3bb-5527d65180fb", |
| "last_modified": "2025-02-24T07:52:11.721871", | | "last_modified": "2025-02-24T07:52:11.721871", |
| "metadata_modified": "2025-02-24T07:52:11.737887", | | "metadata_modified": "2025-02-24T07:52:11.737887", |
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| "mspkc_resource_type": "GeospatialDataset", | | "mspkc_resource_type": "GeospatialDataset", |
| "name": "Coastal Land use classified with eHILUCS categories for | | "name": "Coastal Land use classified with eHILUCS categories for |
| the Spanish part of the Mediterranean Sea", | | the Spanish part of the Mediterranean Sea", |
| "package_id": "7985055b-df98-430f-82e5-980b1c9b76e1", | | "package_id": "7985055b-df98-430f-82e5-980b1c9b76e1", |
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| "url_type": "upload" | | "url_type": "upload" |
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| "socio-economic-activities": [], | | "socio-economic-activities": [], |
| "socio-economic-demography": [], | | "socio-economic-demography": [], |
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| "display_name": "Centro Nacional de Informaci\u00f3n | | "display_name": "Centro Nacional de Informaci\u00f3n |
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| "name": "Centro Nacional de Informaci\u00f3n Geogr\u00e1fica", | | "name": "Centro Nacional de Informaci\u00f3n Geogr\u00e1fica", |
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| "vocabulary_id": null | | "vocabulary_id": null |
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| } | | } |
| ], | | ], |
| "temporal_extent": "2018-09-01", | | "temporal_extent": "2018-09-01", |
| "temporal_extent_end": "2025-10-31", | | "temporal_extent_end": "2025-10-31", |
| "title": "Coastal Land use Spain classified with eHILUCS", | | "title": "Coastal Land use Spain classified with eHILUCS", |
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