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Legislation and competent authority (France) [Draft]

The maritime areas under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of coastal states are governed by international law, particularly the law of the sea, which encompasses all the rules related to the definition and use of maritime areas. This law of the sea is based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), signed on December 10, 1982, in Montego Bay (Jamaica) and ratified by France on April 11, 1996. This convention defines the various maritime areas that can be claimed by coastal states as well as the rights and obligations of states over all maritime areas.

France's maritime areas, covering a total surface of approximately 10.7 million km², represent the second-largest maritime area in the world, behind that of the United States. Overseas territories account for 97% of these areas. Thus, France is a coastal state bordering almost all the oceans.

The Washington Treaty of December 1, 1959, which froze all claims on the Antarctic continent, prevents possession states, like France, from exercising sovereignty or jurisdiction over the waters beyond the Antarctic territory they claim. Requests for continental shelf extensions are also suspended. Consequently, the maritime areas related to Adélie Land are not included in the maritime areas currently in effect for France.

UNCLOS specifies the different categories of areas over which states can exercise their sovereignty or jurisdiction.

Sovereignty areas:

-- Internal waters

-- Territorial sea

Jurisdiction areas:

-- Contiguous zone

-- Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

-- Continental shelf

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Original title Limite maritimes française - contexte
Original abstract
Topic category
  • maritime_boundaries
Sub category
Resource language English
Domain area
  • france_marine_areas
Owner Shom
Provider Shom
Data portal
Presentation form Map (map represented in raster or vector form)
Spatial representation Vector - line (or polyline)
Coordinate reference system epsg:4326 - WGS84 (degree)
Web services
    Derives from
    Derived datasets
    Successor of
    Predecessor of
    Temporal extent 2022-11-01
    Spatial extent
    Data accessibility
    Validation level Official data
    Additional information
    Metadata completeness Complete

    Additional info - MSP - Environment

    Species, habitats, ecosystems, pressures

    Field Value
    MSFD Classes
      MSFD Descriptors/Criteria
        Non MSFD Classes

            Additional info - MSP - Oceanographic and CC

            Physics, biochemistry, EOV, ECV

            Field Value

              Additional info - MSP - Conservation

              Protected areas, OECM, IBA, EBSA, CCH, IMMA, ...

              Field Value

                Additional info - MSP - Maritime activities

                Aquaculture, fishing, transport, energy, ...

                Field Value
                Activity types

                  Additional info - MSP - Coastal & Land use and planning

                  Land use, land cover, planning (strategic, coordination, operational)

                  Field Value

                    Additional info - MSP - Socio-economic

                    Living and non-living resources, shipping, tourism, energy, ...

                    Field Value
                    Activity types
                      Value types

                          Additional info - MSP - Ecosystem Services

                          Provisioning, regulation & maintenance, cultural

                          Field Value
                          CICES classes

                            Additional info - MSP - Legal, Governance & Planning

                            Strategic, legislation, planning, administrative, enforcement

                            Field Value
                            Themes Legal status / Maritime zones
                            • Legislation - National
                            • Legislation - Regional
                            • Administrative - National
                            • Administrative - Regional
                            Who is in charge?

                            Additional info - MSP - Relevance

                            Relevance of the dataset / resource in supporting the MSP process at different spatial scales and temporal frames

                            Field Value
                            Relevance (spatial and temporal)