Maritime compartments (Italy)
The maritime compartment is an administrative subdivision of the maritime space of the Italian coastline and represents the area of competence of the harbour master's offices... -
Agreed-upon borders (Italy)
International borders (inside the 6miles limit of f territorial waters) agreed between parties (Italy-Jugoslavia for Slovenian border on Trieste gulf and and Itlay-France for... -
Ecological protection zone (Italy)
Boundaries of ecological protection zone. -
Territorial waters (Italy)
Italian territorial waters boundary -
MSFD Adriatic Sea sub-divisions (Italy)
The three polygons corresponding to the sub-divisions of the Adriatic Sea (North, Central and South Adriatic) for the MSFD. -
MSFD sub-regions (Italy)
The three polygons corresponding to the three sub-regions of the MSFD for Italy. Their union constitutes the polygon of the marine region Italy -
MSFD Marine region (Italy)
Polygon bringing together the three sub-regions of the MSFD for Italy (Adriatic Sea, Western Mediterranean Sea and Ionian and Central Mediterranean Sea) -
Internal waters (Italy)
Delimitation of Italian internal waters -
Continental shelf (Italy)
Delimitation of the Ecological Protection Zone of the North-Western Mediterranean Sea, the Ligurian Sea and the Tyrrhenian Sea, pursuant to Article 1 of Law no. 61 of 8 February... -
Coastline of Greece
This dataset contains the coastline of Greece and the delimitation of its borders. -
Area Designated For Hydrocarbon Exploration and Exploitation (Malta)
Area Designated For Hydrocarbon Exploration and Exploitation (Malta) -
Land-sea limit - Metropolitan France
The land-sea limit corresponds to the Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) in the case of a tide of coefficient 120 and under normal meteorological conditions (no offshore wind and... -
Maritime limits and boundaries (France)
The product “Maritime limits and boundaries” (French: “Délimitations maritimes”) gathers all the elements used for the definition of the maritime spaces under the French... -
Marine demarcations (Spain)
The cartography included in this service contains the delimitation of the Marine Districts corresponding to the Marine Strategies of Spain. Marine demarcations are understood to...