EUROSTAT Landing of fishery products (Italy)
Landings of fishery products in the ports of EEA member countries (quantity and value). -
Harbour porpoise importance map HOLAS 3 - Baltic sea
This dataset describes the distribution and abundance of harbour porpoise across the Baltic Sea. The ecosystem component maps on mammals distribution were drafted by the harbour... -
Marine protected area classified with IUCN categories (Spain)
Marine protected area classified with IUCN categories -
Pipeline (Spain)
The dataset contains pipelines in the marine environment. -
Land claim (Spain)
The dataset contains the extent of the land claim (permanent or temporary establishments of the sea) and the type of construction. -
Discharge of warm water (Spain)
Data set on Nuclear power plants discharge water outlets. -
Diving (Spain)
This dataset gives acess to the main diving spot in Spain. -
Coastal defense and flood protection (Spain)
The dataset contains coastal defence and flood protection data. -
EUROSTAT Wind energy
The aim of structural business statistics (SBS) is to provide data on the on the structure and performance of businesses. SBS data can be used to answer questions such as: How... -
EUROSTAT Coastal tourism
The aim of tourism statistics is to provide a full picture of tourism levels and trends in a comparable way across EU countries. Tourism statistics may be used to answer... -
EUROSTAT Ship repair
EUROSTAT ship repair data can be found in: --> Short term business statistic Which data description is: Short-term business statistics (STS) give information on a wide... -
EUROSTAT Maritime transport
EUROSTAT maritime transport economic data can be found in two dataset: --> Table of trade and transport margins dataset Which data description is: Since September 2014,... -
EUROSTAT Extraction of aggregates
Structural business statistics (SBS) describes the structure, conduct and performance of economic activities, down to the most detailed activity level (several hundred economic... -
EUROSTAT Extraction and manufacture of oil, fats and gas
Data for extraction and manufacture of oil, fats and gas can be found in two EUROSTAT reference dataset: --> in Structural business statistics - historical data (sbs_h)... -
EUROSTAT Fish, crustaceans and molluscs processing and preserving
Structural business statistics (SBS) describes the structure, conduct and performance of economic activities, down to the most detailed activity level (several hundred economic... -
Saltwater or fresh/saltwater aquaculture plants (Italy)
Location of saltwater or fresh/saltwater aquaculture facilities, differentiated for molluscs, fish and crustaceans. -
Nationally designated areas (CDDA) - EEA
The dataset contains data on individual nationally Designated Areas and corresponding Protected Site spatial features in EEA member and collaborating countries. This dataset is... -
North-Western Mediterranean Sea PSSA
The layer represents the extent of the Particularly Sensitive Sea Area of the Northern-Western Mediterranean Sea, as designated by the Marine Environment Protection Committee of... -
Ocean Energy - EMODnet
The dataset on ocean energy in the European seas was created in 2014 by AZTI for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the aggregation... -
Desalination Plants - EMODnet
The database on Desalination plants in the EU was created in 2021 by Cogea srl for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the...