Hydrocarbon production concessions (Italy)

Distribution of concession areas for the production of hydrocarbons at sea. Hydrocarbon exploration, research and production activities in Italy are governed by Law No. 6 of 11 January 1957, as amended and supplemented; mining rights are granted by Decree of the Ministry of Economic Development. Production concessions are exclusive mining titles, applied for on a portion of the area of the exploration permit where a new deposit has been found, with a maximum extension of 300 km2. In addition to the first term of 20 or 30 years, there are further extension periods of 10 and 5 years. All activities related to the production of hydrocarbons, such as the construction of development wells and gathering and treatment plants, may be carried out under a production concession.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Original title
Original abstract
Topic category
  • oil_and_gas
Sub category
Resource language English
Domain area
  • italy_marine_areas
Owner MiTE
Provider MiTE
Data portal SID Il portale del mare
Presentation form Map (map represented in raster or vector form)
Spatial representation Vector - polygon
Coordinate reference system epsg:4326 - WGS84 (degree)
Web services
Derives from
Derived datasets
Successor of
Predecessor of
Temporal extent
Spatial extent
Data accessibility The dataset is visible and openly accessible through the official Italian MSP portal "SID - Il portale del mare" (https://www.sid.mit.gov.it ). Official data and cartography can be viewed and downloaded from the UNMIG WebGIS: https://unmig.mise.gov.it/index.php/it/dati/webgis-dgs-unmig
Validation level Official data
Additional information More information can be found at https://unmig.mise.gov.it/index.php/it/dati/ricerca-e-coltivazione-di-idrocarburi/elenco-dei-titoli-minerari-vigenti
Metadata completeness

Additional info - MSP - Environment

Species, habitats, ecosystems, pressures

Field Value
MSFD Classes
    MSFD Descriptors/Criteria
      Non MSFD Classes

          Additional info - MSP - Oceanographic and CC

          Physics, biochemistry, EOV, ECV

          Field Value

            Additional info - MSP - Conservation

            Protected areas, OECM, IBA, EBSA, CCH, IMMA, ...

            Field Value

              Additional info - MSP - Maritime activities

              Aquaculture, fishing, transport, energy, ...

              Field Value
              Activity types Mining and quarrying - Oil & Gas

              Additional info - MSP - Coastal & Land use and planning

              Land use, land cover, planning (strategic, coordination, operational)

              Field Value

                Additional info - MSP - Socio-economic

                Living and non-living resources, shipping, tourism, energy, ...

                Field Value
                Activity types
                  Value types

                      Additional info - MSP - Ecosystem Services

                      Provisioning, regulation & maintenance, cultural

                      Field Value
                      CICES classes

                        Additional info - MSP - Legal, Governance & Planning

                        Strategic, legislation, planning, administrative, enforcement

                        Field Value
                            Who is in charge?

                            Additional info - MSP - Relevance

                            Relevance of the dataset / resource in supporting the MSP process at different spatial scales and temporal frames

                            Field Value
                            Relevance (spatial and temporal)