
The project "COEXIST - interaction in coastal waters" is a broad, multidisciplinary project which will evaluate competing activities and interactions in European coastal areas. The ultimate goal of the COEXIST project is to provide a roadmap to better integration, sustainability and synergies across the diverse activities taking place in the European coastal zone.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Portal type
    Topic category
    • Aquaculture
    • Fishing
    Domain area European Seas
    Owner Institute of Marine Research - IMR - Norway
    Presentation form Document
    Spatial representation No geo
    Web services
      Portal accessibility The portal is publically accessible.
      Data accessibility The portal doesn't contain spatial data.
      Features MSP Tools
      Additional informations Øivind Bergh ( Project Coordinator There’s a page on “Tools” ( but the only one available if “GRID”, which is described in a separate resource:
      Relevance for case studies
        Metadata completeness Deprecate