
Maxent provides a maximum-entropy approach for species habitat modeling. The software takes as input a set of layers or environmental variables (such as elevation, precipitation, etc.), as well as a set of georeferenced occurrence locations, and produces a model of the range of the given species. It is distributed by Princeton University.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Tool category
    MSP stages
    • 2 Gather data and define current conditions
    • 3 Identify issues, constraints, and future conditions
    • 5 Evaluate alternative management actions
    • 6 Monitor and evaluate management actions
    MSP users Scientists
    Type of software Desktop
    Compatible OS
    • Windows
    • Mac
    • Linux
    Input data
    • Quantitative
    • Spatially explicit
    Output data Layer
    Code accessibility Fully available on GitHub
    Software license MIT license
    • Full user documentation
    • Tutorials
    • Videos & presentations
    Tool community facilities
    • Forum/Blog
    • Collaborative development (e.g. Github)
    Additional informations stand-alone Java application and R package
    Relevance for case studies
      Metadata completeness Complete