Maritime limits (Spain)
These metadata page for the maritime limits of Spain contains: - the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the Mediterranean - Maritime Boundaries for Spain. - the territorial water... -
MSP Spatial Plan (Italy)
Italian MSP under public consultation. How the Maritime Spatial Management Plans can be reviewed: The Plans can be accessed through the SID il Portale del Mare (Portal or... -
Harbours HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains points and polygons data of the Ports and ferry terminals in the Baltic Sea downloaded from, respectively, EMODnet and OSM, and HELCOM AIS. Attributes... -
Exclusive Economic Zone (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains the digitized Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) boundaries in the Baltic Sea based on the documents submitted by the Baltic Sea countries to the United Nations.... -
Territorial waters (Baltic sea)
Borders of territorial waters (12 nautical miles from baseline) in the Baltic Sea. It is based on a dataset by the European Environment Agency (... -
MSP spatial plan (France)
The dataset on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the EU was created in 2024 by Shom for the project ReMAP. It is the result of the aggregation and harmonization of datasets... -
Watercourse modification HOLAS 3 ( Baltic sea)
The dataset contains the location of water course modifications as reported by the Contracting Parties for the period 2016-2021. The data was made available by HELCOM... -
Recreational boating (Baltic Sea)
This dataset contains modelled small vessel fuel consumption. This describes the geographical distribution of the fuel used by small boats. The total fuel consumption was... -
Deposit of dredged material HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
Depositing sites (HOLAS 3) This dataset contains depositing sites reported by HELCOM EG DREDS. The depositing sites are grouped by spatial data type to pointwise, line, and... -
Discharge of warm water HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
HOLAS 3 data set on Nuclear power plants discharge water outlets for 2016-2021. The coverage of the data set is full, except for the Leningrad power plant the data is not... -
Dredging HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
Data set represents dredging activities around the Baltic Sea. The dataset contains information about the dredging activity and for some the type (capital, maintenance) and the... -
Eutrophication HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
This dataset contains the integrated eutrophication status assessment 2016-2021 for the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). The... -
IMO main maritime routes (Baltic Sea)
This dataset includes digitized deep-water route, traffic separation schemes, precautionary areas and inshore traffic zones in the Baltic Sea as defined in the 9th edition of... -
Extraction of herring in commercial fisheries HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The commercial landings data has been extracted from the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) Expert Working Group on Fisheries Dependent... -
Extraction of cod in commercial fisheries HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The commercial landings data has been extracted from the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) Expert Working Group on Fisheries Dependent... -
Extraction of sprat in commercial fisheries HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The commercial landings data has been extracted from the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) Expert Working Group on Fisheries Dependent... -
Extraction of species - seabird hunting HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains the number of hunted birds (number of birds/area) per year per area for each target species: common scooter (Melanitta nigra), velvet scoter (Melanitta... -
Bathymetry (Baltic sea)
The bathymetric model is created using data from the countries around the baltic sea. Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Estonia have all delivered data for this 500 meter grid model.... -
Rivers (Baltic sea)
River and lake outlines around the Baltic Sea based on 1:1,000,000 scale source maps. -
Halichoerus grypus distribution (Baltic sea)
Observations of Halichoerus grypus were collected from the Baltic Sea area for HELCOM Red List species list. The HELCOM Red List of Baltic Sea species in danger of becoming...