Extraction of species - hunting of seals HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains the number of hunted seals per species (ringed, harbour, and grey) per county/municipality as reported by the Contracting Parties for the period 2016-2021.... -
EU Habitat Directive marine habitat types HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The maps are the result of a compilation of the data submitted by HELCOM contracting parties to the data call for HOLAS 3. Most of the submitted data is based on modeling, GIS... -
Extraction of minerals HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains sand and gravel extraction activity during 2016–2021. The dataset is based on data submitted by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. The... -
Fishing intensity and effort HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea) VMS data
This dataset contains fishing intensity and effort data 2016-2021 based on VMS data. The data has been provided to ICES by Members States and processed to C-square resolution... -
Hazardous substances HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
This dataset represents the integrated assessment of hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea in 2016-2021. This dataset displays the result of the assessment in HELCOM Assessment... -
Radioactive substances - Cesium -137 in fish and surface waters results HOLAS...
This dataset contains core indicator results developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). -
Occurence of stablished non-indigenous species HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
This dataset represents the underlying data on core indicator Trends in arrival of new non-indigenous species for HELAS 3. This dataset contains reported observations of alien... -
Radioactive substances - Cesium-137 in biota HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
This dataset contains core indicator data developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). -
Impulsive anthropogenic sound HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
This dataset contains pre-core indicator data developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). -
Radioactive substances - Cesium 137 in seawater HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
This dataset represents the underlying seawater data on core indicator Radioactive substances: Cesium-137 in-fish-and-surface-seawater. The core indicator evaluates the state of... -
Polluting ship accidents HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
Polluting ship accidents is based on reporting of shipping accidents done by HELCOM Contracting Parties to produce annual within HELCOM MARITIME group. Data were available for... -
Illegal oil discharging HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
Illegal oil discharge data is based on airborne surveillance supplemented with remote sensing equipment in the Baltic Sea Area carried out by HELCOM Contracting Parties within... -
Deposit of dredged materials (France)
"Regulation - Navigation" product contains 18 object classes, the acronyms used are those of IHO standard S-57 - International Hydrographic Organization – (https://iho.int/): -... -
Continuous anthropogenic noise HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
Baseline excess level of noise Data modelled into 0.4 km x 0.4 km grid. Baseline excess sound pressure levels at one 1/3 octave band of 125 Hz exceeded at least 50% of the time... -
Benthic habitat data with EUNIS classification
Output of the 2023 EUSeaMap broad-scale predictive model, produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats. The extent of the mapped area includes the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Baltic... -
Feature level assessments, MSFD Art 8. (2018)
The dashboard displays a table with the information reported by each Member State and assessed geographical area (Marine Reporting Unit-MRU), as requested under Article 8 of the... -
Element level assessments, MSFD Art.8 (2018)
The dashboard displays a table with the information reported by each Member State and assessed geographical area (Marine Reporting Unit-MRU), as requested under Article 8 of the... -
Criteria level assessments, MSFD Art.8 (2018)
The dashboard displays a table with the information reported by each Member State and assessed geographical area (Marine Reporting Unit-MRU), as requested under Article 8 of the... -
Parameter level assessments, MSFD Art.8 (2018)
The dashboard displays a table with the information reported by each Member State and assessed geographical area (Marine Reporting Unit-MRU), as requested under Article 8 of the... -
EUROSTAT Landing of fishery products (Sweden)
Landings of fishery products in the ports of EEA member countries (quantity and value)