Fishing intensity and effort HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea) VMS data
This dataset contains fishing intensity and effort data 2016-2021 based on VMS data. The data has been provided to ICES by Members States and processed to C-square resolution... -
Shipping density HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The shipping density map highlights the intensity of all IMO registered ships operating in the Baltic Sea for the period 2016-2020. It was extracted from the HELCOM AIS... -
Fossil fuel energy production HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains the location of fossil fuel energy production facilities downloaded from the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR). E-PRTR covers all... -
Hazardous substances HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
This dataset represents the integrated assessment of hazardous substances in the Baltic Sea in 2016-2021. This dataset displays the result of the assessment in HELCOM Assessment... -
Hydropower dams HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
This dataset contains points data of hydropower dams and dams downloaded from OpenStreetMap. Attributes specification and units Country: International Country Code (ISO... -
Radioactive substances - Cesium -137 in fish and surface waters results HOLAS...
This dataset contains core indicator results developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). -
Radioactive substances - Cesium-137 in biota HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
This dataset contains core indicator data developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). -
Impulsive anthropogenic sound HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
This dataset contains pre-core indicator data developed under the HELCOM Third Holistic Assessment of the Ecosystem Health of the Baltic Sea (HOLAS 3). -
Radioactive substances - Cesium 137 in seawater HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
This dataset represents the underlying seawater data on core indicator Radioactive substances: Cesium-137 in-fish-and-surface-seawater. The core indicator evaluates the state of... -
Polluting ship accidents HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
Polluting ship accidents is based on reporting of shipping accidents done by HELCOM Contracting Parties to produce annual within HELCOM MARITIME group. Data were available for... -
Pipelines HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains cables in the marine environment that was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. Data were reported by Estonia, Denmark,... -
Marina and leisure harbours HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
This dataset contains point data for marinas and leisure harbours, downloaded from the OpenStreetMap. Attributes specification and units osm_id: OpenStreetMap ID name: Name of... -
Illegal oil discharging HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
Illegal oil discharge data is based on airborne surveillance supplemented with remote sensing equipment in the Baltic Sea Area carried out by HELCOM Contracting Parties within... -
Oil platforms HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains point data describing the location of oil platforms in the Baltic Sea as reported by the Contracting Parties for the period 2016-2021. The data was made... -
Finfish mariculture HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains data from the HELCOM Pollution Load Compilation (PLC) data collection. The dataset covers the period from 2016-2020. Attribute specification and units code:... -
Shellfish mariculture points HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains the location of shellfish mariculture sites from EMODnet ( https://www.emodnet-humanactivities.eu/search-results.php?dataname=Shellfish+Production). Data... -
Deposit of dredged materials (France)
"Regulation - Navigation" product contains 18 object classes, the acronyms used are those of IHO standard S-57 - International Hydrographic Organization – (https://iho.int/): -... -
Continuous anthropogenic noise HOLAS 3 (Baltic sea)
Baseline excess level of noise Data modelled into 0.4 km x 0.4 km grid. Baseline excess sound pressure levels at one 1/3 octave band of 125 Hz exceeded at least 50% of the time... -
Coastal defense and flood protection (Baltic sea)
The dataset contains coastal defence and flood protection data that was made available by HELCOM Contracting Parties in response to a data call. Data were collected by the... -
EMODnet MSP spatial plan area
The dataset on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the EU was created in 2021 by CETMAR for the European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet). It is the result of the...