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On January 14, 2025 at 2:52:46 PM UTC, Gravatar Alessandro Sarretta:
  • Changed title to MSP country fiches (Baltic Sea) (previously Legislation and competent authority (Baltic Sea))

  • Updated description of MSP country fiches (Baltic Sea) from

    The maritime areas under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of coastal states are governed by international law, particularly the law of the sea, which encompasses all the rules related to the definition and use of maritime areas. This law of the sea is based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), signed on December 10, 1982, in Montego Bay (Jamaica) and ratified by France on April 11, 1996. This convention defines the various maritime areas that can be claimed by coastal states as well as the rights and obligations of states over all maritime areas. The Washington Treaty of December 1, 1959, which froze all claims on the Antarctic continent, prevents possession states, like France, from exercising sovereignty or jurisdiction over the waters beyond the Antarctic territory they claim. Requests for continental shelf extensions are also suspended. Consequently, the maritime areas related to Adélie Land are not included in the maritime areas currently in effect for France. UNCLOS specifies the different categories of areas over which states can exercise their sovereignty or jurisdiction. Sovereignty areas: -- Internal waters -- Territorial sea Jurisdiction areas: -- Contiguous zone -- Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) -- Continental shelf
    The MSP country fiches are a reliable source of data on the MSP status in the Baltic Sea countries and Norway. The fiches contain maps and information on the sea areas, national laws and regulations, governance, contact information, existing spatial plans and plans under development as well as information on other MSP related developments. Updating of these fiches is coordinated by the HELCOM-VASAB Maritime Spatial Planning Working Group based on an agreed procedure.

  • Added tag spatial_policy to MSP country fiches (Baltic Sea)

  • Changed value of field derived to remap-governance-module in MSP country fiches (Baltic Sea)

  • Changed value of field category to spatial_policy in MSP country fiches (Baltic Sea)

  • Changed value of field temporal_extent to 2020-01-03 in MSP country fiches (Baltic Sea)

  • Changed value of field temporal_extent_end to 2024-01-11 in MSP country fiches (Baltic Sea)

  • Changed value of field validation_level to in MSP country fiches (Baltic Sea)